Key Information For Students and Parents (2022)

Registration is OPEN for 2022: Register Now

Eligibility: Open to all girls, ages 12-18, by online registration.

Club meetings: February 2 through April on Wednesdays from 3pm-5pm.

Meeting location: 2022 club meetings will take place in the George Stevens Academy library.

Attendance: Coders are expected to attend 80% of club meetings.

Cost: All instruction and software is provided free of charge.

Covid + Cancellations: All school rules related to Covid-19 will be followed during Girls Who Code meetings. Current guidelines at GSA are as follows:

If school is cancelled, our club will be cancelled. If after school activities are cancelled, our club will also be cancelled. We will try to notify all coders and parents by email when there is a cancellation.

Questions? Email club facilitator Michelle Keyo or GSA Librarian Libby Edwardson.

National organization: Girls Who Code Clubs

National GWC on Facebook: Girls Who Code Facebook page

Girls Who Code is a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology. The programs educate, equip, and inspire girls with the computing skills they’ll need to pursue 21st century opportunities.